Custom mode per domain

I would like to be able to have custom modes and keybindings for certain domain.
For example, I’d like to have a mode for zulip, slack, gmail and so on.

Are there any examples that demonstrate how to do that?

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Sure, so the first thing you’ll need to do is define a mode.

To do so, you can use the define-mode macro. An example of that could be like this:

(define-mode website-specific-mode ()
  "Mode for website X."
    (define-scheme "website-specific-mode"
       "down" 'some-command)))))

then you can use auto mode rules to apply your mode. To do that refer to the documentation from your auto-mode-rules.lisp file. Located in ~/.local/share/nyxt/auto-mode-rules.lisp:

;; List of auto-mode rules.
;; It is made to be easily readable and editable, but you still need to remember some things:
;; Every rule starts on a new line and consists of one or more of the following elements:
;; - Condition for rule activation. It is either (match-domain ...),
;;   (match-host ...), (match-regex ...) or a string.
;; - :included (optional) -- List of the modes to enable on condition.
;; - :excluded (optional) -- List of the modes to disable on condition.
;; - :exact-p  (optional) -- Whether to enable only :included modes and disable
;;    everything else (if :exact-p is t), or just add :included and exclude :excluded
;;    modes from the current modes list (if :exact-p is nil or not present).
;; Included modes is a list of mode symbols, or a list of lists in the form
;; of (MODE-SYMBOL INIT-ARGS), where init-args are passed to the mode when instantiated.
;; Conditions work this way:
;; - match-domain matches the URL domains only.
;;   Example: (match-domain "") will work for all of Reddit.
;; - match-host is more specific -- it activates only on certain subdomains of the website.
;;   Example: (match-host "") will work on old Reddit only.
;; - match-regex works for any address that matches a given regex. You can add these manually,
;;   but remember: with great regex comes great responsibility!
;;   Example: (match-regex "https://github\.com/.*/.*") will activate only in repos on GitHub.
;; - String format matches the exact URL and nothing else
;;   Example: ""
;;            will work on the Pattern Matching article of CL Cookbook, and nowhere else.
;; You can write additional URLs in the bracketed conditions, to reuse the rule for other URL
;; Example: (match-host "" "" "")

Good luck! I hope that helps!

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Thanks for the fast response.

I don’t have an auto-mode-rules.lisp file in that directory (even though the directory does exist).
So I tried creating a file that contains:

(match-domain “”) :included '(zulip-mode)

but it didn’t seem to work, without giving me an error or something.

Any pointers?


I do not know how to solve your problem using mode customizations for certain domains. Modes are really powerful because they blend keybindings, hooks, functions, and more to modify buffer behavior. I am pretty sure @jmercouris knows much more than I and will help you with that.

However, maybe you could try a smaller approach and get something you are craving for to work immediately.

Have you checked out the manual on URL-dispatch?


You can configure which actions to take depending on the URL to be loaded. For instance, you can configure which Torrent program to start to load magnet links. See theurl-dispatching-handler function documentation.

I have never used them. But they seem interesting. Maybe you could automate something in your nyxt and slack (desktop app) interaction?

I am also new to Nyxt. Sorry if this does not help you, I am just trying to help.

You also have to enable auto-mode in your config. Auto-mode is responsible for reading the auto-mode-rules.lisp file. If it doesn’t exist, it will generate it. You can read more about it here: Nyxt.

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To test without adding it to your config, you can just manually invoke auto-mode and then navigate to the domain in question. If you want some more inspiration, you can take a look at my config: My lightweight configuration - #5 by egorenar

In my case the file neither exists nor it gets generated.
I tried manually enabling auto-mode via M-x and also tried to enable it using default-modes.

Right, does it appear in your modeline? I believe if you have no auto-mode rules, the file will not be created. @aartaka do you have any suggestions?

auto-mode does appear in the mode-line, but not in the inital page / dashboard (if that makes any difference). In all pages I open after that (usually via bookmarks) I do see the auto in the listed modes.

Can you please share a copy of your config? Maybe there are some things we can try :slight_smile:

Here’s my config: GitHub - iocanel/nyxt.d: Nyxt browser configuration
Please note, that I also tried with blank config and enabling auto-mode by hand and I still don’t get an auto-mode-rules.lisp.

I used nyxt 2.0.0 from archlinux (aur) and also a custom build with the latest main branch from github, with no noticable change in behavior

I managed to get the file generated by calling the save-exact-modes-for-future-visits command.

However, that does not solve my issue. Even with blank configuration + generated auto-mode-rules.lisp, things doesn’t seem to work.

I start my browser, manually add the auto-mode and then open the url but no luck.

((match-host "")  :included (certificate-exception-mode
                                                    vi-normal-mode) :exact-p t)

That rule appears to set the modes to include just vi-normal-mode and certificate-exception-mode. Is there something I am missing?

That rule was added just to test if auto-mode works for me without any configuration at all.
So, I completely wiped .config/nyxt, I just visited the “” added vi-normal-mode called save-exact-modes-for-futture-visits and that generated the configuration I pasted.

I restarted the browser, called auto-mode, visited “” and I expected to see vi-normal-mode get automatically activated, but it didn’t.

@aartaka any ideas? is auto mode working for you on master?

It appears to be working for me with the following rule:

(""  :included (nyxt/style-mode:dark-mode))
(""  :included (nyxt/style-mode:dark-mode))
(""  :included (nyxt/style-mode:dark-mode))

when I go to the wikipedia page about cucumber, it jumps into dark mode. Does that not work for you @iocanel ?

I am afraid that doesn’t work for me either. I wipe clean everything (.config/nyxt and .local/share/nyxt) and then just create a .local/share/nyxt/auto-mode-rules.lisp with what you just provided. I start nyxt, enable auto-mode go to all 3 pages and no dark mode gets enabled.

Just to make sure: The exact version of nyxt I built is: Nyxt version 2.0.0-101-g02a98235

Had some problems with it (package mismatch for match-regex, in particular) on master.

So, is master fixed now?