Can't get VIM keys to work by default on main 3.x

Hello I have check the config with describe-class for vi-normal-mode
copy the example in init.lisp but when I start nynx I get:

<WARN> [20:14:38] Warning: Could not make buffer to open (nyxt:new): There is no class named NYXT-USER::VI-NORMAL-MODE.

if the classes documentation not updated for the main branch 3.x? if so what do I need to change?
The instruction I have on init.lisp

 cat init.lisp
(define-configuration buffer
  ((default-modes (append '(vi-normal-mode) %slot-default%))))

Indeed, there’s no class named nyxt-user:vi-normal-mode, there’s only nyxt/vi-mode:vi-normal-mode :smiley:

In other words, you now have to provide package prefixes for modes. The change is not obvious and I hope that we can fix it to what was there before and even improve it :sweat_smile:

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Thanks, I got it to work(I think so far) and will paste here for others:

(define-configuration buffer
  ((default-modes (append '(nyxt/vi-mode:vi-normal-mode) %slot-default%))))	
(define-configuration  prompt-buffer
 ((default-modes (append '(nyxt/vi-mode:vi-normal-mode) %slot-default%))))

Anything else I should add/change? @aartaka

Happy Hacking

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