[Survey] What is your opinion about the new Nyxt Store?

Hi fellow Nyxt hackers!

I’m currently researching how to generate new sources of income for the Nyxt project. One of the ideas is the new Nyxt Store.

Basically, an online store using Spring (before it was known as Teespree) as an infrastructure. They manufacture and deliver the products while we just create/design the products.

We hypothesize that some users would buy some items in order to show support and/or because they think the product is intrinsically cool.

All products are related to the Nyxt universe and the hacker ethos. This includes references to Lisp and other projects such as Emacs, Vim, and Linux.

Thus, some products in the Nyxt store are not directly related to Nyxt, but rather only to lisp, for instance.

How does the idea of the Nyxt store sound to you as a Nyxt user?
  • Bad
  • Neutral
  • Good

0 voters

Which class of product do you think is the best one?
  • phone case
  • t-shirt
  • sticker
  • mug

0 voters

Which class of product do you think is the worst one?
  • phone case
  • t-shirt
  • sticker
  • mug

0 voters

What is your opinion about the products’ price?
  • Cheap
  • Fair
  • Expensive

0 voters

Nyxt theme tends to be based on black and white. Which design style would you prefer on the products:
  • Mainly white with details in black
  • Mainly black with details in white
  • Colourful (not focused on black and white)
  • Other

0 voters

Suppose you are going to buy some product. Which reason is the main one:
  • Because the product itself (e.g. a specific t-shirt) is cool
  • Because I want to (financially) support Nyxt
  • Other reason

0 voters

Finally, we are open to constructive criticism, new ideas for sources of income, and ideas about products to be listed on the Nyxt Store. I bet Nyxt users could come up with clever ideas for products, especially t-shirts with sharp jokes.

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Great initiative. I really like the idea. Thanks for sharing.


Beats sponsorship by Google Search! :smile:

Maybe once the major changes have settled, publish (up to date) guides/references/manuals.

Seems like at least some people would opt for a hard-copy.

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This is an interesting idea! Actually, @jmercouris was already thinking about showing a dynamic version of the manual (tutorial included) on Atlas’ website. Thus, if the source code about the tutorial was changed, the content inside the Nyxt application would change and the web pages with the Manual content would also change.

Actually, I think we could build the website with this DSL from Racket called Pollen. There is an interesting application of a digital book about the classic Flatland using Pollen’s DSL.

As you can see, the reader has 3 options: read it online as a digital book, download a pdf, or buy a printed version on Amazon.

Pollen creates a source code that exports to different formats, pdf, html, tex. Thus, it is easier to dynamically build updated versions for the 3 formats.

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You guys can do way more products than only these. Next was not a great branding idea but NYXT is an amazingly brandable name for the project.

There is no reason you cannot make millions with this idea. And you will as you move the product forward because you don’t have your heads up your butts like the Mozilla Foundation.

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